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Social Media Advertising trends in 2023

Social Media Advertising trends in 2023

So, what do we need to observe for 2023 when it comes to social media advertising. Here are just some of the things we see bubbling to the surface this year:

Why should a business outsource their marketing?

Why should a business outsource their marketing?

Outsourcing marketing can be hugely beneficial for businesses because it can help them save time and money. Who doesn’t want to save both TIME and MONEY?!
It can also help your business to gain access to specialised skills and expertise. Not only that, it can free up resources for other areas of the business.

Top 5 Marketing Trends of 2023

Top 5 Marketing Trends of 2023

Video marketing is going nowhere soon. And the audio podcast content is still being hugely consumed, and made. Now that we’re out and about, either commuting or travelling, it allows us the time to listen to podcasts.

6 Tips for TikTok Content Creation

6 Tips for TikTok Content Creation

Kevin, our intern, is definitely of the TikTok generation!  So, we tasked him to write this blog on his tips for TikTok Content Creation. However, he is not one to mince his words, so he gets straight to the point! Here is what Kevin says: TikTok has seen a huge...

The six (or more!) things we learned at Web Summit 2022 in Lisbon.

The six (or more!) things we learned at Web Summit 2022 in Lisbon.

There are definitely more than six things that we learned at Web Summit 2022. It was a whirlwind visit!  I arrived on the Wednesday (official day one) with my five year old daughter in tow.  Mental note, Paddy Cosgrave was great to offer Women in Tech tickets at a...

Affordable ways to Market your Business

Affordable ways to Market your Business

Marketing doesn’t have to cost you an arm and a leg! As a matter of fact, some marketing tactics can be done for free!
Keep on reading to find out which four affordable ways you can market your business.

Digital Marketing Versus Traditional Marketing

Digital Marketing Versus Traditional Marketing

With qualifications and experience dating back, we cover both Tradition and Digital Marketing when working with our customers. We’re comfortable with both and know when each will work best for your business.

What is Outsourced Marketing?

What is Outsourced Marketing?

Sometimes you might just need help on a certain project, event or marketing milestone for your business. Other times it might be outsourcing just one element of the overall marketing strategy, like social media management, for example.

Do you know the position of your product or service in the market?

Do you know the position of your product or service in the market?

Now you understand better! This is normally where the lightbulb moment occurs! Business owners can almost immediately tell me where their product or service would be placed. They can resonate with one of the three and normally not a mixture of two or three of the options, although there can be exceptions.

All You Need to Know About Nostalgia Marketing

All You Need to Know About Nostalgia Marketing

Nostalgia has been proven to be an effective way of dealing with tough life events and moments. With more global uncertainty and turmoil present, we predict more use of nostalgia marketing in the near future.

How to Navigate Event Marketing in 2022

How to Navigate Event Marketing in 2022

Don’t just market your event leading up to it, make sure to market it while it’s happening. This will show people what they’re missing out on if they didn’t attend. And it may take their interest to attend another future event. According to HubSpot, 73% of businesses use social media to advertise during their events. Features such as Instagram Live or Live Tweeting is a popular way that businesses promote during their events.

The Ultimate Guide to Affiliate Marketing

The Ultimate Guide to Affiliate Marketing

So, what is affiliate marketing?
Affiliate marketing is the process of earning a commission by promoting products for a company or individual. The affiliate will find a product, promote it, and in turn earns a commission from each sale that business/individual makes from the product.