by JillLush | Apr 17, 2019 | Business, Business Owner, Content Marketing, Digital Marketing, Grow your business, Marketing, Marketing strategy, Marketing Tips, Outsource, Outsourcing, Small business
What are the top reasons to outsource marketing for your business? The main reason is because you realise that you’re spending too long trying to figure out how to market your business. That time would be better spent working on your business. After attending a...
by JillLush | Jan 23, 2019 | Business, Content Marketing, Digital Marketing, Marketing strategy, Networking, Planning, Social Media, Social Media Strategy, video content, video marketing
Let’s make one small change to marketing your business in 2019. How has 2019 been so far? Have you made any New Year resolutions? Or have they gone out the window!? So, we’re flying through January. But it isn’t too late to introduce some...
by JillLush | Nov 20, 2018 | Business, Content Marketing, Digital Marketing, Marketing strategy, Social Media, Social Media Strategy, Uncategorized
Social Media Strategy in six simple steps? Do you just not know where to start? We’ll try to break it down into simple steps. Hopefully this will make it clearer for you! Who is your Customer? Good question! It’s all back to market research. When you...
by JillLush | Oct 3, 2018 | Business, Content, Content Marketing, Customers, Digital Marketing, Email Marketing, Marketing strategy
Email Marketing – ever tried it before? So, you’re in business and you’re on the fence about Email marketing. How do you make Email marketing work for your business? Have you already used Email marketing? Was it successful? If not, why not? Have...
by JillLush | Sep 19, 2018 | Business, Content Marketing, Digital Marketing, Marketing strategy, video content, video marketing
Here we’ll uncover 5 tips for creating excellent video content. Have you noticed that on your social media feeds there’s lots of videos appearing? That’s because the constantly changing algorithms for Google and social media are favouring video...
by JillLush | Jul 16, 2018 | Business, Content Marketing, Digital Marketing, Uncategorized
Haven’t we come a long way from the Golden Pages? We got thinking about how our parents found things when we were younger. What about schools, summer camps and things on in the area to keep us entertained all summer. How did we survive without Google?! We...