My Blog
How does your business take payment?
Payment types How does your business take payment from your customers? Do you take cheques? Can you only take cash? Do you get funds transferred to your business bank account? As part of the National Payments Plan approved by the government in April 2013, the aim...
Christmas greetings
Happy Christmas to all of our customers and loyal followers!
10 questions to ask yourself when planning for 2018
It’s a good idea to start into a new year with a plan for your business. Plans can change and that is ok. Just try to have a plan to start with! Marketing plans are important for any business. Have you thought about these 10 things when planning for 2018:
Do you have a mobile marketing strategy?
In case you didn’t already know, our mobile phone is the most used device that we own. In fact, one in every four minutes on a mobile phone is spent on either Facebook or Instagram.
Is your website secure?
Check to see if your website is secure
Five tips to avoid being a “busy fool”
This article from the Harvard Business Review is an interesting read and got me thinking. If you're feeling like a busy fool it is worth reading: My five tips to avoid being a busy fool that I'd...
Trump off Twitter! Who to trust with your social media account?
So a now ex-Twitter employee decided on their last day to delete Donald Trump from Twitter!! No harm, some may say! It does beg the question of who you entrust with your social media accounts? Many employees nowadays have access to Twitter and other social media...
National Women’s Enterprise Day
What better day to launch a business than on National Women's Enterprise Day!? Looking forward to attending the Local Enterprise Office event for women in Kilruddery House today. I've been busy polishing up on my business skills by attending a business start-up...
Hello world!
Welcome to Lush Marketing! Follow our business start-up story here. I'll share with you some interesting posts that I come across and hopefully give you some interesting insights into the world of marketing. Digital Marketing is a big buzz word at the moment and...