90% back on an investment of up to €2,500?  Really?!


For any Irish business that has been considering how to get their business online, then this is the answer for you!  The government funded Local Enterprise Offices all around the country are working hard to help fund getting your business online.  The scheme is called the Trading Online Voucher.  It has been in existence for years and it was always quite attractive with 50% funding.  However, with 90% back on an investment of up to €2,500, it is even more attractive.  




The Local Enterprise Offices are inundated with queries.  They are setting up online information webinars and processing the application forms and funding payments.  Massive thanks to them for all of the hard work and long hours that they are putting in to help Irish businesses during the Covid-19 crisis.  The Trading Online Voucher is just one of their contributions, so find out more from your Local Enterprise Office what else might be available.




What is it?


The Trading Online Voucher Scheme is basically to help businesses to start trading online, that previously didn’t (or didn’t have to).  The voucher helps small businesses to start or improve their ability to trade online.  The funding covers costs for this up to the value of €2,500 (ex VAT).  You pay the €2,500 and provide the relevant paperwork and receipts and you will receive 90% back.  So, for what would have been a €2,500 investment, you now only invest €250!




Who is it for?


For Irish businesses with little or no e-commerce presence, 10 employees or less, turnover under €2m and trading for 6 months or more.  Considering the number of businesses in Ireland that fit this criteria, there has been huge interest in this offer.  And rightly so.  The extra benefit of this offer is that businesses that have already availed of the Trading Online Voucher can apply again.




What is covered?


The common belief is that this voucher just covers website work.  In reality, it covers way more than that!  You can indeed include website work.  But it also covers:


  • IT consultation,
  • developing and/or implementing a digital marketing strategy (look no further than Lush Marketing here for that!), purchasing internet related software,
  • training or skills needed to establish and manage online trading activity,
  • purchasing online advertising (limit of up to 30% of the voucher) and
  • professional photography (limit of up to 80% of value of voucher), etc.


What next?

Contact your Local Enterprise Office and attend their next available Trading Online Voucher webinar.  Then fill out the application form, obtain the necessary 3 quotes, submit the paperwork and wait to hear back about your approval.  You can then proceed with the supplier(s). You make the necessary payments, supply the necessary receipts and then the Local Enterprise Office can reimburse you up to 90% of the investment.


What’s not to like?!

If one good thing is to come from the Covid-19 pandemic, it is that more Irish businesses are going online.  Website creation, online payment additions and digital marketing have been on the “to do” list of many businesses for quite a while.  There is nothing like a pandemic with the need to offer your products and services online to generate revenue to spur things on.  This government, Local Enterprise Office, initiative is a huge incentive to get your business ready for now and the digital future.  

At Lush Marketing we are always communicating about how important it is to have an online presence.  If you’re struggling and need to add a marketing strategy (and implementation) to the mix, then get in touch.