We’re now heading into our third week in January.  If you’re in Ireland, your business might be affected one way or another with the lockdown that we’re living through…again.  So, just how do you plan for 2021 when so much can’t be planned?

Keep it simple

Don’t overcomplicate things.  Keep it simple.  Just take each day or week as it comes.  It might be hard to plan a full 12 months ahead, but try to plan for short periods of time.

What marketing have you been doing to date?  What has worked and what hasn’t worked?  Do you have social media accounts for your business?  Are you keeping the content active on them?  Have you got an email subscriber base?  Are you keeping in touch with them as regularly as you have in the past or should?

Content is king

You might be struggling to create content for your website, blog, social media or email marketing at the moment.  If you are, think again.  Do a brainstorm (virtually) with your team or friends and family.  Think of the type of content that you’re consuming and finding relevant at the moment.  What can you do similarly in your business?  Content can be as simple as informing your customers of your opening hours.  If you’re closed, then tell them.  Also inform them when you will open or if there is an alternative way to contact you during lockdown.  Remember that content come in various forms – educational, inspiring, informative, witty, etc.

Market research

If you need to do some up to date market research then get started on this.  Market research comes in many forms.  You could send a survey of a few questions for your customers or followers to complete.  Or you could ask a customer for a few minutes of their time and have some questions prepared to do an interview style to seek feedback.  The best marketing stems from the best market research.  By listening to your customer and their needs, wants and desires, helps you to provide the solution to their problem.

Target audience

This topic never ceases to amaze me.  I have spoken to so many business owners that THINK they know their target customer.  Or they think that EVERYONE is their target customer.  The more accurate and focused that you can get this, the better it will be for your marketing.  I often hear of businesses chasing a certain customer type, only to discover that that type is really not the right type of customer for their business.  Take some time out to write down a bit about your target customer types.  You might have 3-4 customer types and that is fine.  Try to name each customer type/category/persona.  Get to know as much about them as you can.  Who are they?  What age are they?  Where do they work?  Where do they live?  Do they have family?  What life stage are they at?  What are their interests and hobbies?

By understanding all of this, you can then create marketing magic.  You will know exactly the right message to use in your marketing to reach them as your customer.


When you know who to target, keep it simple and continue marketing your business – the plan won’t be as difficult.  A marketing plan won’t be a fraction as daunting when you know who you are targeting.

You then just need to decide what your budget will allow you to invest in over the next 12 months.

Don’t struggle with marketing planning alone.  Reach out for help.  Sometimes a 1-2 hour marketing strategy session can give you the clarity that you need to drive your marketing forward. To make an appointment, get in touch.