My Blog
Are you writing content you want to hear or what your customers want to hear?!
It seems like a simple question, but are you being honest with yourself?! Are you sure that you’re writing content that your customers (or potential customers) want to hear?
7 Tips to Stand Out on Social Media
We’ll be honest from the start and not say it is easy. It’s not! However, there are plenty of things that you can do or change on your social media for your business.
Lush Marketing on the Radio
Radio interviews galore Our owner, Jill Lush, has been in demand to give radio interviews for her Thought Leadership accreditation. Lush Marketing received their accreditation from the All-Ireland Business All-Star Foundation in Croke Park on Thursday, 12th September,...
Keep your Marketing Simple
The best Marketing is the simplest. It might takes hours, weeks, months or years to get right. However, the most simple marketing is also the most effective.
8 (or more!) Tips to Get your Business Started on Instagram
With 1 billion active users on Instagram are you feeling left out if you’re not using it for your business or not using it correctly?
Here’s some tips to help you get started on Instagram.
5 Reasons Why Awards are Good for your Business?
5 reasons why awards are good for your business
6 Tips for a Marketing Strategy for non-Marketers
Are you looking for some tips to create a marketing strategy for your business if you're not a marketer? You're a busy business owner and you're expected to know everything about marketing! Let's be honest, that's just not possible for most! Where do you begin? Good...
5 tips to Market your Business on a Budget
So you want some tips on how to market your business on a budget. Here’s some of our best tips that we’d like to share with you.
What your business can do to help with voice search
Your website at the moment might be built for certain words, called key words, to be picked up when search engines crawl the web. However, the content might not be written in a conversational tone. What we mean by this is you might type in a search differently to how you speak it.
Why Exhibitions should be part of your Marketing Mix
Exhibitions can be attended for a number of business reasons, including market research, testing or launching a new product, finding new staff (!), building brand awareness and the list goes on.
Is Marketing not working for your Business?
The main reason that marketing doesn’t work for businesses is because no goals were set. If you don’t set goals in the first place, how can you know if it worked?
Beginner’s guide to SEO for Small Businesses
Does SEO overwhelm you? You’re running your business, ticked the box of getting your business a website and now you hear about SEO! Don’t panic! We’ll explain in brief what SEO is and how you can make some small changes to help with it.