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3 Tips to get the most from your Email Marketing

3 Tips to get the most from your Email Marketing

So, you’re looking for help to get the most from your Email Marketing. Have you been tasked with email marketing for your business? Do you have a subscriber list that you need to keep in touch with? Fear not, here are 3 tips to help you get the most from your Email Marketing.

3 Tips to help improve your SEO

3 Tips to help improve your SEO

Are you looking for tips to improve your SEO?  That’s Search Engine Optimisation or SEO for short.  There are literally hundreds of things that effect the SEO performance on your website.  These things, or algorithms, are constantly being updated in the background.

However, you have a website and you’re trying to rank.  Sometimes investing in Google Ads to help your SEO isn’t always possible.  Also, paying an SEO agency or a website developer also isn’t an option.

Tips for Marketing Planning in 2021

Tips for Marketing Planning in 2021

Keep it simple. Just take each day or week as it comes. It might be hard to plan a full 12 months ahead, but try to plan for short periods of time.
What marketing have you been doing to date? What has worked and what hasn’t worked? Do you have social media accounts for your business?

What is Nostalgia Marketing?

What is Nostalgia Marketing?

Basically, it is tapping into our memories to evoke a feeling, preferably a good feeling. It is similar to emotional marketing and some brands have and will continue to use it extremely effectively.

5 things you need to know about Influencer Marketing

5 things you need to know about Influencer Marketing

“Influencer marketing employs leading, niche content creators to improve brand awareness, increase traffic, and drive your brand’s message to your target audience.”
In a nutshell, your business employs or asks (but pays for) another content creator to promote your brand.

My 3 Most Frequently Asked Questions

My 3 Most Frequently Asked Questions

I’m in a lucky position to be in front of hundreds of business owners every year due to the marketing training I deliver. As a trainer, I prepare slides, make sure I’m up to speed with my content and know the flow of the training time. However, without doubt, my absolute favourite part is the interaction and questions that I get asked as a marketer.

5 Tips if you’re new (or returning!) to Blogging

5 Tips if you’re new (or returning!) to Blogging

Some of your best blog content for your business website will come from your customers. What are they asking about? Is there a topical subject that your business can address? Are there hints and tips that you can share with them? All of this can make for great blog content.

Funding help to get your Irish business online

Funding help to get your Irish business online

The Trading Online Voucher Scheme is basically to help businesses to start trading online, that previously didn’t (or didn’t have to). The voucher helps small businesses to start or improve their ability to trade online. The funding covers costs for this up to the value of €2,500 (ex VAT). You pay the €2,500 and provide the relevant paperwork and receipts and you will receive 90% back. So, for what would have been a €2,500 investment, you now only invest €250!