by JillLush | Jan 23, 2019 | Business, Content Marketing, Digital Marketing, Marketing strategy, Networking, Planning, Social Media, Social Media Strategy, video content, video marketing
Let’s make one small change to marketing your business in 2019. How has 2019 been so far? Have you made any New Year resolutions? Or have they gone out the window!? So, we’re flying through January. But it isn’t too late to introduce some...
by JillLush | Dec 11, 2018 | Business, Content, Customers, Digital Marketing, Grow your business, Marketing strategy, Networking, Start-up business
Is Networking part of your Marketing Mix? Indeed, do you consider networking to be a form of Marketing? It’s interesting when clients and fellow business people ask me where I get my business from. They think that because marketing is my business that I...
by JillLush | Nov 20, 2018 | Business, Content Marketing, Digital Marketing, Marketing strategy, Social Media, Social Media Strategy, Uncategorized
Social Media Strategy in six simple steps? Do you just not know where to start? We’ll try to break it down into simple steps. Hopefully this will make it clearer for you! Who is your Customer? Good question! It’s all back to market research. When you...
by JillLush | Oct 19, 2018 | Business, Digital Marketing, Grow your business, Uncategorized
From Local to Global The big question on the mind of lots of businesses is how to go from Local to Global? This was the topic of one of the National Women’s Enterprise Day (#NWED) events held around the country. We were lucky enough to attend the Local...
by JillLush | Oct 16, 2018 | Business, Digital Marketing, Marketing Budget, Marketing strategy, Uncategorized, video content, video marketing
Is it that time of year already to set the Marketing Budget for 2019?! We’re still in Quarter 4 an already talking about the 12 months of next year! Have you thought about how much to set aside for your marketing budget? Have you thought where you’ll...
by JillLush | Oct 3, 2018 | Business, Content, Content Marketing, Customers, Digital Marketing, Email Marketing, Marketing strategy
Email Marketing – ever tried it before? So, you’re in business and you’re on the fence about Email marketing. How do you make Email marketing work for your business? Have you already used Email marketing? Was it successful? If not, why not? Have...